The Benefits of Jigsaw Puzzles for Stress Relief and Mental Health

Cooper Oliver
4 min readDec 7, 2023

In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become a common part of our lives. We are constantly bombarded with responsibilities, deadlines, and never-ending to-do lists. It is essential to find healthy ways to cope with stress and take care of our mental health. One activity that has gained popularity in recent years is solving jigsaw puzzles. Not only are they enjoyable, but they also offer several benefits for stress relief and mental well-being.

Relaxation and Mindfulness

Jigsaw puzzles provide an opportunity to relax and unwind, allowing us to take a break from our busy lives. When you sit down to solve a puzzle, you enter a state of focused concentration. As you sort through the pieces and try to fit them together, your mind becomes fully absorbed in the task at hand.

This state of absorption is akin to a meditative state, promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels. Researchers have found that engaging in activities that require focused attention, such as puzzle-solving, can activate the relaxation response in the body, leading to a sense of calm and tranquility.

Moreover, solving jigsaw puzzles can also be a mindful activity. Mindfulness involves being fully present in the moment, without judgment or distractions. When you concentrate on fitting the puzzle pieces together, you become fully engaged in the process, letting go of worries and concerns. This mindful state allows you to experience a break from negative thoughts and helps promote a sense of well-being.

Cognitive Benefits

While the primary goal of working on a jigsaw puzzle is relaxation, it also offers numerous cognitive benefits. Solving puzzles stimulates the brain and improves cognitive function, regardless of age. Here are some of the mental advantages of regularly engaging in jigsaw puzzle activities:

Improved Memory and Concentration

Jigsaw puzzles require us to use our memory and concentration skills. As we search for specific pieces and try to remember where we have seen similar shapes or colors, our memory gets a workout. Additionally, focusing on the intricate details of each piece sharpens our concentration and attention span.

Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills

Jigsaw puzzles are essentially a series of problems that need to be solved. To complete the puzzle, we need to analyze various pieces, identify patterns, and determine where they fit together. This process strengthens our problem-solving skills and enhances our ability to think critically and logically.

Boost in Visual-Spatial Reasoning

Visual-spatial reasoning refers to our ability to mentally manipulate objects and understand spatial relationships. Solving jigsaw puzzles requires us to visualize the complete image and manipulate the pieces accordingly. Regularly engaging in this activity can enhance our visual-spatial reasoning skills, which are beneficial in various areas of life, including mathematics, architecture, and navigation.

Stress Reduction through Flow State

Flow state is a state of optimal performance where we are fully immersed in an activity and experience a sense of joy and satisfaction. Engaging in jigsaw puzzles can trigger this flow state, where time seems to pass quickly, and we forget about our external worries and stressors. This absorption in the task at hand boosts our mood, reduces anxiety, and allows us to experience a sense of accomplishment.

Social Interaction and Bonding

Jigsaw puzzles are not limited to individual activities; they can also be an excellent way to connect with others. Solving puzzles with friends, family, or co-workers can foster social interaction and bonding. It provides an opportunity to work together towards a common goal, strengthening relationships and building camaraderie.

Furthermore, jigsaw puzzles can be a great activity for multi-generational interaction. It brings people of different ages together, allowing them to share their knowledge and skills. Elders can pass on their puzzle-solving expertise to the younger generation, creating a unique bond and promoting intergenerational connections.

Stress Relief and Mental Health

Jigsaw puzzles offer a healthy outlet for stress relief and can positively impact our mental health in several ways. When we engage in this activity, our attention shifts away from stressful thoughts and worries, allowing us to experience a sense of calm and tranquility. Focusing on the puzzle pieces requires concentration, which distracts us from daily stressors and gives our minds a break.

Moreover, the sense of accomplishment that comes with completing a puzzle can boost our self-esteem and confidence. It reinforces a positive mindset and helps counteract negative thoughts and feelings. Regularly engaging in puzzle-solving activities can contribute to an overall improvement in mental well-being.


In conclusion, jigsaw puzzles offer a myriad of benefits for stress relief and mental health. They provide a way to relax and unwind, promoting mindfulness and relaxation. Additionally, working on puzzles improves cognitive function, enhances problem-solving skills, and boosts visual-spatial reasoning. The social aspect of solving puzzles can also bring people together and foster connections.

If you’re looking for a fun and therapeutic way to reduce stress and improve your mental well-being, consider incorporating jigsaw puzzles into your routine. Whether you prefer to solve them alone or with others, the benefits are numerous. So go ahead, grab a puzzle, and give yourself the gift of relaxation and mental rejuvenation.

This article is inspired by The Therapeutic Benefits of Jigsaw Puzzles for Adults.



Cooper Oliver

Designing user experiences that delight. Crafting beautiful interfaces. Innovation is my driving force.